Below are 15 slim people habits that you may not be aware of if stubborn excess weight has attacked you.

1. Slim people do not regularly condemn themselves or hate themselves for enjoying what they eat. That is toxic thinking, which leads to toxic behavior.
2. Slim people seldom buy giant family packs of snacks for themselves. When they do, they take a serving out of the bag, close the bag, and put the bag away.
3. Slim people pass on the supersize burgers, fries, and drinks. They choose size regular.
4. Slim people eat until they are full, which is different from eating until the plate is empty.
5. “People in Africa are starving” is not a reason that slim people have for stuffing themselves.
6. Slim people eat veggies. They don’t use carbs as substitutes.
7. Sugary drinks are not part of the daily diets of slim people.
8. Slim people enjoy themselves, even when they are not eating. Food is not a necessity for having a good time.
9. Purses, cars, seat cushions, desk drawers, kitchen counters, beside the bed, and pockets are not places where slim people always have snacks.
10. Slim people choose to stop eating before they have to unbutton their pants to breathe.
11. Slim people find comfort in ways other than eating.
12. Slim people enjoy television shows without snacking.
13. Slim people sit and enjoy their meals more often than they eat without thinking about what they are doing.
14. Despite the ease and convenience of fast foods, slim people sometimes cook.
15. Fast foods are not their major meal source. Actually, slim people look at fast foods as more of a treat than a meal.