What can healthy eating do for you?
I eat healthy atleast 70% of the time. Here’s what all I feel :

- I wake up feeling energetic and wanting to visit the loo instantly. My stomach is well prepared to get rid of the toxins smoothly first thing in the morning before I ingest anything else. People who feel constipated would know what a blessing this is.
- My muscles are strong and it’s easy for me to lift weights in the gym . I always have the energy to do it. I am always pumped up.
- My body is very flexible thanks to yoga and clean eating. Clean eating just means that you have fairly less % of fat and it’s easier for you to move and practice asanas.
- My menstrual cycle has always been regular and painless. My menstrual cycle is still very regular and it’s NOT AT ALL painful . All the micronutrients makes it easier for my body to get rid of the eggs every month. It’s a dream to be menstruated and not be in pain.
- I have never felt bloated or acidic. Like ever.
- My skin is fairly clear and it has some shine all over it. Like a glow that can only come from within and not externally. No amount of makeup can impart such a glow I promise.
- I don’t crave junk all the time. If I am hungry I will want a salad or a smoothie or dosa. Something healthy always.
- I can go on for weeks and months without any caffeine. I just don’t need it. I enjoy coffee and tea according to mood and never to feel awake.
- My bladder is super active and gets rid of all the toxins throughout the day thanks to optimum consumption of water.
- And last but not the least , I go to sleep very peacefully. I rest and prepare my body for another day.