Losing weight by cutting unhealthy processed food from diet.
This is me today and I do not count calories.

I think I’m fairly slim some days. My physique fluctuates depending on what’s going on my life and the time of day. At the time of this photo, I had already been a bit too busy to indulge the past couple days, and it was taken early in the day, before lunch.
Anyways. I do not count calories. I figure out what feels good for my body and facilitates the physique I want, and that’s what I do.
That means I have previously tried cutting out certain processed and high-fat foods only to find over time that my body feels better when I have it. This includes bread, dairy, and sweets.
It also means I have cut out minimally processed food when I found it made me feel sluggish. This includes large amounts of rice (abundant where I live).
I don’t count calories, but what I do do is make my meals very predictable. This is necessary for logistical and budgeting purposes.
On weekdays I spend between six and seven dollars on food before 4pm. After 4pm, what I eat is not planned and I can have whatever I want.
Anyways, here’s what I have before 4:
(I am going to include exercise I get since this question is also about weight.)
- Walk 15–20 minutes first thing when I wake up (dogs)
- Grape nuts with rice milk. (This is not enough fat and protein but I haven’t found a good addition for my breakfasts yet because my mornings are rather tight.)

- Either green tea or black coffee
- -take bus to work, requires minimal walking-
- Walk 700 meters from office to metro
- Do 45 minute workout at gym
- Walk 700 meters from metro back to office.
- Eat 1 roll of tuna kimbap

- Black coffee, cappuccino, or green tea
- MANDATORY sweet indulgence of my choice

- Walk 1,500 meters from office to metro to home
- Walk 30 minutes immediately when I get home (dogs)
- Dinner: My favorite things to get for dinner at wheat noodles in meat and veggie sauce or McDonald’s (just the burger, no fries or Coke, if I can resist temptation).
- Walk minutes sometimes at 9:30pm (dogs)
I would say it has taken me years to figure out a doable, sustainable, satisfying food routine for me. I’ll enjoy it while it lasts.
My gratitude to Ms.Pamela Code, Newspaper copy editor for sharing her valuable tips.
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