The Fastest Way to Improve Your Children Wellness With Yoga!

My cousin who is living in San Francisco met me and few other family members and we discussed on various subjects related to children.

One of the subjects was about our children and how their lifestyle is creating anxiety and stress and shocking rate at which children commit suicide especially in USA.

Read the blog how yoga is transforming kids in USA.

She also observed that my children are active, joyful and they are healthy.


She knew, myself and my wife are into yoga and meditation for a long time, but she was not aware, my children were also into yoga and meditation.

She was surprised to see such pleasant atmosphere happening around the family and she wanted to know how yoga can bring better wellness to her children.

Yoga is more than 15,000 years science and basically mean union. It’s basically aligning the body, mind, emotions and life energy with cosmos.

Yoga practice which involves asanas(pose) brings precision movement to our body which helps in strengthening and flexibility to muscles.

Yoga and meditation helps in streamlining the body and mind which in turn generate positive vibes within oneself.

Early practice of yoga especially for children helps not only balancing their body but also their life to go beyond their limitations.

Yoga practice by kids takes them to higher level of wellness in all areas of life, which is absolutely needed to enhance their energy in the right direction.

Yoga pose always starts by working on the body first by creating awareness within one’s own body giving better flexibility.

When the kids do yoga with right breathing technique, it helps in relaxing the mind and generates energy to handle day to day effort with ease.

When energy is enhanced in children’s body, it helps them to focus better whether in their studies or while playing sports or carrying out any projects.

Children when they focus in right direction; their mind relaxes and helps them to go beyond their limitations.

When the mind gets relaxed by practicing yoga, children attention span improves and their clarity improves to move in right direction.

Body of the children gets balanced through various yoga pose, in the process, their life also gets balanced to handle life situations in relaxed manner. 

Yoga creates awareness with one’s own body and help them to move into better possibilities and better flexibility to handle various situations in life.

Through regular yoga practice, children’s health improves and they sleep well, which will help them to get up fresh next day morning to handle life with full vigor.

Yoga practice helps in keeping the mind relaxed, which in turn, improves children’s concentration and helps them to do well in their studies.

Yoga can be practiced by all age groups of children.

It’s heartening to see that lots of schools in USA are giving importance to yoga as part of their curriculum, as they have realized that yoga and meditation helps in enhancing children’s wellness.

As a parent we have to make sure that our children learn yoga and meditation. Ultimately, we want to see our children do well in their life and most important living happy.



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