Yoga as energy booster
Energy as we know is the capacity to do the work.
We might need energy for activities like walking, running, reading, thinking, and even for sleeping.
One of the basic ways we get energy is by consumption of food which is a macronutrient ( Carbohydrate, Protein & Fat )and micronutrient ( vitamins and minerals).
Also the air we breathe and water we drink also gives us energy.
How energy is dormant and activated in humans?
In yoga theory, nadis carry prana, life force energy. In the physical body, the nadis are channels carrying air, water, nutrients, blood, and other bodily fluids around and the channels are arteries, veins, capillaries, bronchioles, lymph canals, and so on.
In the subtle and causal body, the nadis are channels for so-called cosmic, vital, seminal, mental, intellectual, etc energies ( collectively described as prana) and are important for sensations, consciousness, and the spiritual aura.
The hatha yoga pradipika states that there are 72000 nadis or energy channels in humans.
The most prominent among these are Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna Nadi.
1.Ida Nadi – Ida is associated with lunar energy.
The word Ida means “comfort” in Sanskrit. Ida has a moonlike nature and feminine energy with a cooling effect.
It courses from the left testicle to the left nostril.
2. Pingala Nadi – Pingala is associated with solar energy.
The word Pingala is orange in Sanskrit.
Pingala has a sunlike nature and masculine energy.
It courses from right testicle to the right nostril
The ida is associated with the right brain and controls the left side of the body and Pingala is associated with left-brain and controls the right side of the body.
3.Sushumna Nadi – The Sushumna Nadi is most Gracious Nadi in the body, running from base of the spine to the crown of the head, passing through each of the seven chakras in its course.
Most people live and die in Ida and Pingala.
Sushumna the central space remains dormant.
But Sushumna is the most significant aspect of human physiology.
Only when energies enter into Sushumna, life really begins.
The person is believed to be active and energetic when the flow of prana or energy is smooth without blockage.
What happens when the flow of energy is blocked:
When ida is not functioning smoothly or is blocked, one experiences cold, depression, low mental energy, improper digestion, and blocked left nostril.
Whereas when the Pingala Nadi is blocked, we might experience heat, quick temper, excessive appetite and blocked right nostril.
Why is the Nadis blocked?
- Nadis get blocked due to Mental stress.
- Not taking adequate sleep.
- Unhealthy lifestyle.
- Physical or mental trauma.
- Toxicity or impurities in the body.
One of the vital functions of Yoga is to unblock the energies through its practices such as:
- Shatkriyas: Shat in Sanskrit is six and kriyas are cleansing techniques.
- Kapalbhati: It’s a breathing technique for purifying the frontal region of the brain.
- Trataka: Trataka is an intense gazing of candle flame.
- In this kriya, a person lights a candle and place it on a small table so that the flame is exactly at eye level when sitting. The intense gazing of the candle is done up to 10 minutes without blinking, this makes the eye to water and bring out impurities.
Benefits: Improves concentration, makes eyes bright and clear, Develops strong will power.
- Neti: A process of cleansing and purifying the nasal passages through jalaneti and sutra neti.
Benefits: Allows air to flow without obstruction, relieves allergies, cold and sinusitis.
- Dhauti: Dhauti is cleansing of the digestive tract.
- Nauli: A method of massaging and strengthening the abdominal muscles and also increases digestive fire.
- Basti: The technique for washing and toning the large intestine.
2. The Practice of Asanas: Our physical posture affects our health, vitality, and awareness.
Wrong postures create various stresses, causing contractions that impair or block the proper flow of prana through the channels.
It inhibits the circulation of energy and nutrients while allowing toxins and waste materials to accumulate, such blockages cause discomfort and reduce functioning, resulting in pain and disease.
The ultimate objective of yoga is the awakening of kundalini Shakthi, the dormant energy.
Practicing asanas stimulates the chakras, distributing the generated energy of kundalini all over the body. Some asanas are specifically geared to this purpose.
Bhujangasana for Manipura chakra, Sarvangasana for vishuddi, sirshasana for Sahasrara, and so on.

3.Pranayama: Pranayama is the yogic technique to bring the breathing in regularity, rhythmic, and balance.
A lot of techniques are involved in Pranayama.
Generally, pranayama is defined as breath control.
The word Pranayama is comprised of two roots. Prana plus ayama. Prana means ‘Vital Energy’ of ‘ life force’.
It is the force, which exists in all things.
Pranayama should not be considered as mere breathing exercises aimed at introducing extra oxygen into the lungs.
Pranayama utilizes breathing to influence the flow of prana in the nadis or energy channels of the Pranamaya kosha or energy body.
4.Bandhas & Mudras: The Sanskrit word bandha means to hold, tighten, or lock.
These definitions precisely describe the physical action involved in the bandha practices and their effect on the pranic body.
The bandhas aim to lock the prana in particular areas and redirect their flow into Sushumna Nadi.
Mudras are gestures known to have the power to evoke forces within the individual.
Thank you.