A story which has inspired thousands of people to lead better life.
I have known a girl from my Engineering college days who
- Lost both her parents within a span of 2 weeks.
- Broke up with her boyfriend soon after she lost her parents.
- Failed in few subjects in her final year of Engineering.
- Was depressed most of the times.
- Was alone most of the times and frequently fell sick.
- Was fat (must be around 70kgs).
She used to be quite active on Facebook.
But once we came out of the college, her Facebook feed was inactive, wasn’t much into contact with anyone and eventually everyone has forgotten her.
One fine day, few months back, when I was scrolling my Facebook, surprisingly there was a post from her.
Immediately, I dropped a message to her if all is well at her end.
She responded saying that she
- Is currently in London and completed her Doctorate in Engineering.
- Will soon come to India and get married to her classmate.
I checked her Facebook pictures and she looked so damn pretty and fit as she practices Yoga and can do almost all Yoga poses.
I couldn’t post her pics as I respect her privacy.
She kind of looks like the below picture.