Psychological tricks which you can apply in your daily life.
In the world of psychology there are some cool tricks that you can try on anyone.
Some might be sound unethical and manipulative.
But we’re talking about the coolest here right?
Not to mention the useful. So here we go.
• A very simple yet very effective trick you can try on someone is to use their name.
Every time you meet new people, use their name during conversation and they will respond to you positively.
There is no combination of sounds that more pleasant than his name.
Just don’t overdo it, otherwise the effect will be the opposite.
• Same goes with the flattery.
Use flattery carefully. Don’t overdo it otherwise, the other person will feel the hypocrisy in your voice and will stop trusting you.
• Wanna close a deal? Use the element of urgency (“only two places left“).
People are afraid to lose something. It motivates them to close the deal with you quickly.
• In a heated argument, if you want to express your opinion, don’t say “But“.
Say “Yes, and also….” instead. It’ll make you sound more mature and diplomatic.
• During a presentation, to capture your audience’s attention, begin with a story.
People love stories and novelty but hate statistics and figures.
• If you need to give someone a difficult task, give them a choice between this task and an even more difficult one.
You’ll see — he will gladly choose your original version.
• Walking into a room thinking everyone likes you makes you instantly more confident.
• This is a very cool trick:
Next time you want someone to think about something, plant the idea in that person’s head and tell him to NOT think about that particular thing.
Surely the person will start thinking about that same thing.
What If I tell you not to think about “elephant” at all?
What are you thinking about right now?
• Whispering something to someone almost guarantees that they will whisper back.
• If you want to gauge the real character of a person, pay attention to how he treats those who are not important to him (waiters, janitors etc.).
• People want to be heard.
Letting them talk about themselves and listening intently to them will make them absolutely love conversing with you.
• I read this somewhere. Have fun trying this out:
Go to a crowded restaurant where you’ll find couples only.
Act like you’re calling someone and talk in a loud voice, make it sure that it is perfectly audible to all.
All you have to say is, “I called you to say that I just saw your boyfriend with another girl in ______ restaurant. *pause for few seconds* Yahh, I’ll keep a watch on him, reach here asap!”
Take a seat and turn your head around looking at each boy for a sec at least.
Have fun watching which guy disappears.
• This works most of the time:
Ask the person to draw a letter ‘E’ on their forehead.
If they draw this:

They are synthetically emphatetic and affectionate towards you and the others.
But if they draw like this:

They are no doubt a very selfish person. Run.
• If you want to impress people, shut the fuck up about your achievements. No, really.
If they find out naturally, the “wow” impact would be much stronger.
• Ask people this: What’s 1+1? What’s 2+2? What’s 4+4? What’s 8+8?
Then say, “name a vegetable“. For some reason, they almost always say carrot.
• Stare at their forehead when they’re talking to you.
It’ll slowly make them extremely uncomfortable and self-conscious about what you might be looking at.
• You will understand true character of a person by how they talk about other people.
• If a person is staring at you, look at their feet.
This makes them strangely uncomfortable.
• Using the word “Because” instantly helps your message become more persuasive.
• Everyone wants praise. The easiest way to make someone do something for you, is to make them feel they are very good at it.
So the next time you ask someone a favor, praise her/him immensely and you’ll see the magic.
• By telling people the exact opposite of what you really want them to do, they’ll end up doing it anyway.